The Forum has been updated to now include all the Elegoo Series of Resin Printers from the Jupiter, all the way down to the Original Mars

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Users Lounge
A place to post about random stuff that doesn't fit in any categories below
113 262 Why is 3D printing more e...
12-01-2024, 02:15 AM
by Garcia joey
Introduce yourself and share your 3D Printing experience
126 192 Octopus v1.1, e0 dont wor...
Yesterday, 12:45 AM
by Garcia joey

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Getting Started
Some of the first things to do once you've gotten your Elegoo Jupiter Printer out of the box, connected and ready to go
0 0
Firmware Updates
The latest Elegoo Jupiter Firmware update files
0 0
Printer Mods / Add-Ons
Various mods and add-ons for the Elegoo Jupiter, including 3rd party Firmware
2 2 How do I choose the right...
09-05-2024, 03:18 AM
by Garcia joey
Maintenance & How-To
Information on maintaining your Elegoo Jupiter and How-To
3 4 How to prevent PLA filame...
11-03-2024, 08:35 AM
by Garcia joey

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Getting Started
Some of the first things to do once you've gotten your Elegoo Saturn 4K / 8K Printer out of the box, connected and ready to go
33 72 ~1.5cm rough band at base...
12-03-2024, 10:54 AM
by aries
Firmware Updates
The latest Elegoo Saturn 4K / 8K Firmware update files
5 21 No Authorization on print...
08-11-2022, 10:00 AM
by dboadnovo
Printer Mods / Add-Ons
Various mods and add-ons for the Elegoo Saturn 4K / 8K, including 3rd party Firmware
8 21 Plugins for improving pri...
08-31-2024, 02:12 AM
by Garcia joey
Maintenance & How-To
Information on maintaining your Elegoo Saturn 4K / 8K and How-To
31 92 Elegoo Saturn S won't tur...
11-28-2024, 04:33 PM
by krajan

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Getting Started
Some of the first things to do once you've gotten your Elegoo Saturn 2 8K Printer out of the box, connected and ready to go
0 0
Firmware Updates
The latest Elegoo Saturn 2 8K Firmware update files
0 0
Printer Mods / Add-Ons
Various mods and add-ons for the Elegoo Saturn 2 8K, including 3rd party Firmware
2 2 Maximizing Efficiency in ...
10-25-2024, 12:51 AM
by Garcia joey
Maintenance & How-To
Information on maintaining your Elegoo Saturn 2 8K and How-To
2 2 Why can't the ELegoo Satu...
11-15-2024, 06:16 AM
by Garcia joey

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Getting Started
Some of the first things to do once you've gotten your Elegoo Mars 3 4K / 3 Pro 4K Printer out of the box, connected and ready to go
3 3 Mars 3 Toolkit
11-26-2024, 06:34 AM
by Derek
Firmware Updates
The latest Elegoo Mars 3 4K / 3 Pro 4K Firmware update files
0 0
Printer Mods / Add-Ons
Various mods and add-ons for the Elegoo Mars 3 4K / 3 Pro 4K, including 3rd party Firmware
1 1 Mars 3 Pro G Code Mod For...
01-03-2023, 11:21 PM
by Scorch
Maintenance & How-To
Information on maintaining your Elegoo Mars 3 4K / 3 Pro 4K and How-To
1 1 First layer 300µm to high
05-16-2023, 05:48 AM
by Xemerius

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Getting Started
Some of the first things to do once you've gotten your Elegoo Mars 2 Pro Printer out of the box, connected and ready to go
25 63 Mars 2 Pro printing a lit...
10-07-2023, 07:02 AM
by Gregor
Firmware Updates
The latest Elegoo Mars 2 Pro Firmware update files
1 15 Firmware 443 not updating...
01-18-2022, 08:42 PM
by NamekianBonsai
Printer Mods / Add-Ons
Various mods and add-ons for the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro, including 3rd party Firmware
4 9 500mm extension - Linear ...
02-20-2024, 08:40 AM
by Suran
Maintenance & How-To
Information on maintaining your Elegoo Mars 2 Pro and How-To
12 26 build plate will not go d...
08-09-2024, 06:36 AM
by catzby

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Getting Started
Some of the first things to do once you've gotten your Elegoo Mars 2 Printer out of the box, connected and ready to go
1 6 Build plate not able to l...
01-21-2022, 09:09 AM
by cliffyk
Firmware Updates
The latest Elegoo Mars 2 Firmware update files
0 0
Printer Mods / Add-Ons
Various mods and add-ons for the Elegoo Mars 2, including 3rd party Firmware
0 0
Maintenance & How-To
Information on maintaining your Elegoo Mars 2 and How-To
5 10 my eleggo mars 2 is bindi...
10-16-2022, 03:54 AM
by stevieboy2

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Getting Started
Some of the first things to do once you've gotten your Elegoo Mars Pro Printer out of the box, connected and ready to go
31 104 help plis
06-30-2024, 09:57 AM
by blackswan
Firmware Updates
The latest Elegoo Mars Pro Firmware update files
5 23 Trouble after update
08-16-2021, 11:27 AM
by maskman
Printer Mods / Add-Ons
Various mods and add-ons for the Elegoo Mars Pro, including 3rd party Firmware
5 20 upgrade Elegoo Mars Pro t...
03-20-2022, 07:24 AM
by bob_the_vampire
Maintenance & How-To
Information on maintaining your Elegoo Mars Pro and How-To
24 76 How to check the motor pr...
09-04-2024, 02:50 AM
by Garcia joey

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Getting Started
Some of the first things to do once you've gotten your Elegoo Mars Printer out of the box, connected and ready to go
70 275 3D printing filament drye...
10-08-2024, 02:29 AM
by Garcia joey
Firmware Updates
The latest Elegoo Mars Firmware update files
22 106 erased flash blocks? cann...
04-29-2024, 09:15 AM
by loosegoose
Printer Mods / Add-Ons
Various mods and add-ons for the Elegoo Mars, including 3rd party Firmware
53 365 Adding PAUSE commands in ...
10-24-2024, 08:37 AM
by zslane
Maintenance & How-To
Information on maintaining your Elegoo Mars and How-To
60 209 Updated my LCD Screen and...
11-20-2024, 10:29 AM
by Fafa

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
General Troubleshooting
Discussions related to troubleshooting that is not listed below
368 1,237 First Layer Duplication a...
12-01-2024, 07:11 AM
by MRR3D
Prints Sticking to the FEP Film
Discussions regarding why prints stick to the FEP film
28 128 print sticks to fep as bu...
12-02-2024, 03:55 AM
by Garcia joey

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
ChiTuBox Slicer / Other Slicer Options
Discussions related to ChiTuBox and other available slicers compatible with the Elegoo Mars
38 114 What is a slice in 3D pri...
09-21-2024, 01:57 AM
by Garcia joey
Additional Print Tools
Discussion about additional tools for preparing print file
3 5 Layer / Print Time Calcul...
08-07-2020, 01:22 PM
by Dudemeister
Discussions about the various resins available
41 157 Ventilation and fumes (He...
10-05-2024, 02:40 AM
by PlasticHades
Tips & Tricks
Tips & Tricks being used by other Mars users
11 29 cant update firmware
05-13-2024, 10:43 PM
by PyroFox
Post Processing
Discussions about post processing prints, including cleaning and curing
20 66 3D printing post-processi...
10-09-2024, 01:50 AM
by joy

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Show off your prints
22 37 Super Mario!
08-05-2021, 11:40 AM
by mzanetti
Prints / Designs For Sale
Post printed items and design files avaiilable for purchase
0 0
Discussions related about where to find print ready files
0 0
Discussions about the various modeling software
1 7 3D Software?
10-24-2024, 01:56 AM
by joy

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Printers For Sale
The title says it all, Printers for sale
1 1 Upgraded Elegoo Mars $250...
02-04-2022, 11:38 AM
by cliffyk
Printer Parts / Accessories For Sale
Posts for Printer parts and accessories for sale
2 3 New Mars Screen
03-29-2021, 12:41 PM
by Alienfrog
Printer Upgrades For Sale
Posts for Printer upgrades
1 1 70W uv replacement for ma...
06-25-2020, 09:29 AM
by sombraveloz

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Report Bugs
Please report site issues here
0 0
Please request site changes / additions here
9 23 How about a Neptune 4 Pro...
09-01-2024, 09:10 AM
by John8629

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