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XY resolution
(05-09-2021, 10:54 AM)mzanetti Wrote: I have a question about the XY resolution of the Mars 2 Pro:

Everywhere is stated that the XY resolution is 0.05mm (50µm). After printing a flat surface with 45° and 0.05 layer height I noticed aliasing issues, meaning, every few mm there was a horizontal line. Assuming the XY resolution is indeed 0.05 and the layer height of 0.05 works too, this shouldn't happen. So I tried to print the same object again with a layer height of 0.051 and the aliasing disappeared.

So, the question is: Is the XY resolution actually 0.051 or am I doing something wrong elsewhere?

Attached are 2 pictures, one printed at 0.05 layer height (50.jpg), showing the lines, the other with 0.051 layer height (51.jpg), being as smooth as it can be.
The resolution of the Mars 2 Pro is 1620x2560 with a pixel size of 0.05mm

In Chitubox the size of the build area is 82.62x130.56. So if you divide 82.62 by 1620 you get 0.051. That’s not the 0.05 that you expect.

To get 0.05 you have to change 82.61 to 81 and the same goes for the 130.56 that must be changed to 128.

With 81x128, you get a pixel size of 0.05, That comes into play when printing flat surfaces at an angle. With the right values of 81x128 you get a 45 degree angle with no artifacts (horizontal lines) with layer height of 0.05

If you keep the default values, you have to print at a layer height of .051 to keep the 45 degree angle. All this to avoid the horizontal artifacts. 

The perfect angle to print flat surfaces based on pixel size and layer height is detailed in the following links. 

youtube for visual explanations:

More details here:

Messages In This Thread
XY resolution - by mzanetti - 05-09-2021, 10:54 AM
RE: XY resolution - by Frank - 01-07-2022, 09:43 AM

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