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Mars Pro not homing
Just received the pro yesterday and went to level the build plate. I navigated to the manual control page and clicked the home button expecting it to move the z axis to 0 but for some reason the plate just moved up about 10 to 15 mm and stopped. Hit the button again, same thing. I can continually click home to get the plate to go to the top of the z axis but it never wants to go down to 0. I'm new to the SLA community coming from FDM so I'm not sure if I'm just missing some step? After reading a bunch of posts on this forum, it sounds like the "Set Z=0" button is disabled from the factory so I'm not sure how to enable it to try setting 0. It's almost like the printer has no 0 point set for the z axis and doesn't know where to go. When using the up and down arrows on the same manual page the plate moves as expected in both directions. Any help would be great. Was really excited to start printing but now I'm dead in the water.


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