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Jackson Products Twin Rail Z Slide Upgrade--AAA+
Today I received the Jackson Products Twin Rail Z Slide Upgrade. I had ordered it on 10/23/2020 today (5 days from England to Saint Augustine, FL--that's not too shabby). As advertised it took < 30 minutes to install even with a tiny bit of a glitch (more below).

First let me state unequivocally that it is of the finest quality, design and manufacture; the trolley moves effortlessly and precisely. Fit and finish are superb.

Here are some pics of it installed on my "Silver" Mars (s/n M20Silver20200401, apparently the first made in April, or made on April Fool's day [may be the latter]):

[Image: JacksonMast-00.png]

[Image: JacksonMast-01.png]

[Image: JacksonMast-02.png]

The very minor glitch to which I referred above is that apparently Elegoo produced Mars printers with two Z-axis mast mounting screw patterns, one rectangular and the other trapezoidal:

[Image: JacksonMast-05.png]

[Image: JacksonMast-04.png]

The "trapezoid pattern" mast appears to offer wider spacing of the guide rods which would be a good thing.

Jackson's website states the "Silver & Orange" Mars has the rectangular pattern, however on disassembly (after I had ordered the upgrade) I found my (April Fool's day unit) to have the trapezoid pattern--not a big deal says I, I'll just have to elongate the holes nearest the mast by a bit using a jeweler's file and/or Dremel tool.

The good news is that the upgrade mast has both mounting patterns, one at each end, and is fully reversible. All I had to do was mount it using the proper end and invert the crossbar to which the platen bracket mounts. All else went smoothly and I was printing 30 minutes after starting the installation.

Also provided is a longer and stronger tensioning spring for the lead screw split anti-backlash nut. This improves Z-Axis movement compliance against any resistance such as separating the model from the FEP--which I find to now be a much more distinct and positive action than with the OEM components.

I must add that on disassembly of the Stock mast I found the trolley motion to be VERY tight, requiring 4.5 to 5.0 lbf to move. Through adjustment of the cam mounted "third wheel" I wad able to reduce that to just 4 to 5 ozf and still provide sufficient spatial control.  If you have a Mars and have not done so I would strongly recommend disassembly of the Z-axis mast, and re-adjustment of same if found to be too tight.

However my strongest recommendation would be to remove it and replace it with the Jackson Product's mast. $144 with shipping via FedEx--worth every penny, it moves the Mars into a whole new class. They also offer a 250 mm mast to extend Z-axis print capacity by 95 mm, and models for the "Red and Black" Mars units.

highly recommended!!!

I will be offering my now properly adjusted OEM mast and trolley in the classifieds, note that it has the wider spaced guide rods with the "trapezoid" mounting pattern, printers with the rectangular screw pattern will require modification to mount it,

[Image: JacksonMast-03.png]
-cliff knight-
[Image: 816-20120803-wide800.jpg]

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